Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sprouted Quinoa Breakfast Porridge

When I woke up this morning, some quinoa I'd started sprouting yesterday was ready. The last time I sprouted quinoa I used it in a tabbouleh-type salad. But nibbling a sprout this morning, it tasted so sweet that it inspired me to use it in a raw breakfast porridge.

I gave the quinoa one last good rinse and drain. Then I topped a small bowl of quinoa with sliced banana, dried coconut, a couple of chopped dates, and about a tablespoon of walnuts. It tasted a bit dry. So I tossed the whole thing in the food processor (what would I do without my food processor?) added a pinch of salt and nutmeg, and processed everything until it was pretty well blended. It was still too dry, so I added some more banana and tried again. This time it was moist, and the flavors were well melded.  I topped it with more of my neighbor's blueberries and a little more coconut. Delicious!

I had already had a smoothie at dawn, but it felt good to eat more mid morning.  I think the high protein in this breakfast was good for me. I wasn't hungry all day like I was yesterday.

For lunch I had my friends' kale in a salad with a good dose of kim chee mixed in! This was so good that now I'm going to have to learn how to make kim chee. I wish I had taken a photo.

But I did take a photo of a cold tomato soup I had with my dinner salad. It's almost gazpacho, except I didn't have basil so I used cilantro instead.  It looks a little frothy here, poured straight from the blender. I garnished it with avocado, olives and nasturtium petals. Nasturtiums are among Jake and my favorite things to grow because they're low maintenance, they're bright and cheerful looking in the garden and in a salad, and both the leaves and the blossoms have an enlivening radish-like taste.

Today's Chow:
smoothie with blueberries, banana and Swiss chard
quinoa porridge
kale salad with kim chee
a piggish amount of watermelon
almost gazpacho and a big green salad

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